At first, it was Fire of love...
It grew in ourselves and flamed our passions and dreams!
A fire to love, care and fight for the love.
Later, it was Fire of words...
It grew in ourselves and distanced our stance!
A fire to burn, fight and hate the love.
Now, it is Fire of destruction...
It grew on its own and burnt our lives!
A fire which purified all mistakes and burnt our love.
Fire, it is...
PS: An attempt to the Sunday Scribblings Prompt
Fire, it can either char you to death or purify your soul. Depends on what, is ignited by it.
Wow!!.these are some deep words. I'll have to re read, and re, re re read to understand just one layer perhaps. Very profound one, I must say!:)
love the picture.
PS: What led u to write this one, if I may ask?
Perfectly said...
Thank you..
For the kind words..
Just some observations on someone's life going wrong on relationship..
Thats it..the source of this poem
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