Saturday, September 24

Wise sayings...

There wont he even a single person in this world who hasn’t used an adage in his talks.
There wont be a single person who hasn’t heard it from others.
In short, aphorisms are part of human beings as are food and shelter.

Though all of us are aware of such proverbs, its origin is not vivid.
Whoever made them, had the intension to inspire fellow beings or motivate them or guide them. When taken one adage at a time for a situation is advisable. But one thing I have noticed is that some of them contradict with some others.

The best example is ‘Look before you leap’ and ‘one who hesitates is lost’
Both of them, when used separately put forward a cautious warning. But a person knowing both the proverbs can find himself befuddled. So a clever person can conclude ‘Look before you leap but don’t hesitate.’

Another one I came across is ‘The more, the merrier’ and ‘Two’s company, three’s crowd’. What should one infer from these two. Maybe three will be the criteria for ‘more’. We may redefine it as ‘Two’s company, three’s crowd and more than three, the merrier.’ Yeah, now it sounds perfect.

The same confusion arises when it comes to the famous adage, always heard, ‘Life is what you make it’. We can find a contradicting one to it. ‘What will be, will be.’ Now this is something I really get pissed off. Those who believe in destiny go for the second and those who don’t, opt the first one. So sometimes wise sayings becomes conditional. Yeah, I repeat, conditional.

People who come across the famous dictum ‘A silent man is a wise one’ is surely going to get confused when he will hear someone say ‘A man without words is a man without thoughts.’ So a silence is presence of no words. Does that mean a wise man is of no thoughts. Definitely not! Again these phrases are conditional. A silent man is a wise one when he chooses to remain silent from arguments with foolish people. But always remaining silent doesn’t make him wise, but thoughtless.

It’s really fun to see lot of pairs like these. So the only way to escape from all these confusions is, I dare to conjecture, is to follow these idioms individually applying it to the perfect situation you are into. Not blindly following it every time.

Last but not least just check these two epigrams.
‘Action speaks louder than words’
‘The pen is mightier than the sword’
Confused? There are more, many more.


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Anonymous said...

Great men think alike!
Fools seldom differ!!

Keshi said...

hehe Vinu a very clever post.

I guess all proverbs r subjective. They all came from some human being and they depended heavily on his/her experience and thought process. Hence the conflicting ones :) So it's up to u to go by wuteva proverb that best fits ya or that best stands by ur beliefs...

One quote I always get confused with is:

You cant have the cake and eat it too...

I mean if u buy a cake wouldnt u eat it? lol!

**‘Action speaks louder than words’...‘The pen is mightier than the sword’

I think the first one says that a person's actions defines him/her better that just his words. And the 2nd one says that u can kill someone's ego etc by powerful words more than a hard blow/slap can :)


Keshi said...

I got ur email Vinu...I will write soon :) Thanks!


Keshi said...

Vinu hows ya? Im back from hols...


Arun Vishnu M V said...

use Word Verification. else u will recieve lots of anonymous/junk commets. And nice to c ur blog.

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Keshi said...

hey Vinu wheres ya? Long time...
