Its after so many years he is meeting her, to be precise, after eight years, on her wedding day in one of those plush 4-star hotel. She had married Gautam, her boyfriend from her college. He never felt bad for that incident, but somewhere deep down his heart; he had once nourished a soft corner for her.
The very same Vidya stood in front of him and he couldn’t believe his eyes. When deputed for a major project on global warming here in Tokyo, he thought this would be the last place he could find some long lost friend on the busy streets. Before quipping a ‘hi’ he noticed a kid tugging at her jeans. He stared at him in surprise. “This is my son Abhinav!” she said sensing his surprise.
They used to play husband and wife. That was around twenty years back. Vidya did all those kitchen chores in their act. She used to boil water for him to take bath, when he returned from office she made omelettes using their plastic pan, he helped her in cutting the onions, she washed their cloths, he ironed their dresses, she fed the pet animals, he sang songs to her, she cleaned the room and he the bathroom.
“What’s up with you these days?” Her eyes were bright; those were the most sought after eyes in those college days of theirs. The conversations went on and on, as if they were sure of not meeting in the future anymore. The coffee table was getting well populated with coffee cups. Talks flew over their college days, career days, her marriage, she raising her offspring, his professional stints in various cities of the world, her husband’s flourishing ‘curry powder’ business in this land of the unknown, his various bride-hunting saga’s, her driving classes, his new car, and her new apartment which is under construction and what not. It was when Gautam’s call came that they realized they had stepped into the last hours of the day’s dusk.
“I will have to leave now”, she said after disconnecting the call from her hubby dear. “Gautam does’t has the keys of our flat.” They exchanged their mobile numbers and address. The hotel where he stays is quite far from her place. After hugging each other and with his promise to visit them over the weekend they bid good bye. He looked at her while they were leaving. Abhinav was jumping and bouncing like a rubber ball and she was adeptly handling him. With a smirk he took his laptop bag and that was when he noticed the bunch of coffee cups and pizza plates on the table.
It was he who cleaned the table; twenty years back, when they were husband and wife. He couldn’t abort his laughter but just realized they were still on the game. He picked the coffee cups and looked for the trash bin.

so cute:)
i like the end bit
nicely put
i like specially that the last line is subtle
very very well written... enjoyed reading it.. and the end was the best part... light hearted and sweet even though it does have a small twinge of hidden pain... loved it :)
blog rolled you!
wut a cute post! :)
I played wife to a childhood friend of mine long long time ago in a stage play...then he always held my hand when we played in the neighborhood and then I got annoyed for that. lol!
Too good ending...
I may be wrong,
But I think that this shows, that somewhere deep down, he still has a small soft corner for her. A spot which will always be there. For her.
Well written mate.
breathtakingly beautiful!
well written mate... enjoyed it... :)
take care...
thnx for visiting..
@fictional desi,
thnx for the comment. Glad to know u liked it..!!
thnk u ..twinge of pain..did u sense it..?
do visit again..
thnk u keshi...tht was funny....so wts todays staus..do he try to hold ur hands now also..?
thnx for the comments..encouraging..!!
now this soft corner can be visualised in many ways, i guess...maybe a first crush, an innocent love, or maybe a simple liking.. :)
such things always remain close to heart, u were right..!!
thnx friend..that was very much encouraging..!! such emotions are always breathtaking, right..?
that was amazingly cute man!!! loved it!!!
thnx friend..great to know it was enjoyable..
thnx yaar..thnx for dropping by..keep visiting..!!
Awww!That was bittersweet :)
It is difficult to see one's childhood sweetheart married to another.But then,life does not turn out as we want it to be always.
Well written!
omg.. this was like.. so cute!
I started smiling like some dumb person shuru se :) and I'm still smiling!
That was so simple.. connected.. and real! :)
way to go!!
bitter sweet memories :)
Sometimes all it takes is a chance meeting to revive the past.. and then yesterday feels like today.. till reality strikes..
But streaks of yesterday still linger on.. making you smile
I like the moments you capture in your post.. they are very possible!!
@B n B
great that you enjoyed it..actually i tried to portray it as a sweet encounter..there was no bitterness.
~Sometimes all it takes is a chance meeting to revive the past.. and then yesterday feels like today.. till reality strikes..~
well said, friend
@bhai with chai...
thnx yaar..am happy that i could evoke the same feeling in you what i had experienced while i wrote it...
there was no bitterness in it sameera..atleast i didnt want it in that way..bt, now i feel, somewhere i had imbibed a tincture of bitterness into the character...
~But then,life does not turn out as we want it to be always.~
very true...
the packup is well done...good job!!:D
Scribblers Inc.
So damn cute
and i must admit tht its a surprise comin from a guy...no offence to u or the men...but expressin my feelins :)
wt do u mean by that...eh..?
i mean do men never got emotions..?
or are they supposed to be only rough and tough..?
thnk u boss..!!
so was the start not that impressive..?
Hi Vinayak...A sad love story very nicely told....I loved the weay u concluded the story.....Nice post dear...
i dont whether it can be categorized as a love story...and rather i felt it as a happy story.. :)
the hero is just recalling his early days..both are content with their life..
nah, cos I dun even know where in the world he is right now :)
How cute...
luved the title the most...cute and fresh :)
Awesome post Vinu... a very cute one. Childhood memmories are always so sweet, unfortunately those times dont stay forever.
I guess one of the best things about most of your posts is that they are so close to life that one can easily identify with one character or the other. This has certainly helped me to appreciate the article better.
thnx...yeah, i write mostly close to life stuff...most of them are inspired from the lives of people around me and myself...
that is why i think we all can relate to the articles closely..
thnx..actually i enjoyed the most selecting a title for the write up.. :)
thnx for the appreciation..
dun be sad Vinu..he's not my husband na? lol!
oh yeah, i forgot, and he is not the only 'man' alive, right..?
thy r not supposed to be rough n tough...thy just prefer actin tht ways
lts not turn this in to battle of sexes....just bask in the glory of the compliment plz...love the story n nice to know a man who dosn mind expressin his feelings
oh yeah i understand divkiran...
i was just asking for the sake of it..there was no potential in my post for such arguments, i know..
right! :)
Vinu.....this one...well said....very very nice work...i really enjoyed reading this....!:)
thnx..nice to hear you liked the piece...
beautiful narration!gr8 work..hey,why don't u visit my blog?
Sure, i will friend..
thnx for the words..!!
*Bittersweet : Tinged with sadness
*Bitter : Marked by strong resentment or cynicism
They are different :)
oh yeah...i overlooked the word..!
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