Thursday, July 7


He was more than a friend to her. She confided to him more than anyone else. He have been a help for her in taming many situations. She believed him more than anyone else. She loved him like an elder brother. She was possessive about him.

She loved her parents. She adored her parents. She respected her parents for being so kind, affectionate and forgiving towards her. Her parents always did and planned good for her.But, her parents never appreciated her relationship with him.
They warned her either him or family. Choose now.

What else she can choose?


Anonymous said...

...only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches....

Anonymous said...

Dude just checked out your blog 2day for the first time ...... DEEP ..... i never knew you actually had opinions on such topics !!! Keep it up man .....

Just one thing though ..... i'll tell you when i meet you next time (hopefully soon) ......

Anonymous said...

You had well crafted the agony of 'SHE'.Though short definitly a nice read.
