Friday, August 22


He loves sitting over here. How much busy he is, he loves to spend time over here.
Almost 90 hours for minimum is spend annually over here. Though it’s a minor part, he always felt this time to be worth spending. He loved the solitude he used to enjoy. Whenever he used to be there, it gave him a calm and peaceful atmosphere. The only thing that gave him a company in his heaven is books and magazines.

Last year he had paid almost 20,000 Indian Currencies for a teak wood shelf. The corners were carved artistically. On the top most part, by the center, the shelf got an image of book carved into the wood. Both dad and mom were aghast when he installed this shelf over there. They branded him as a bigot. Many of his relatives had ranting over this extravagant furniture over and over again It had a drawer in the lower part where he had planned to stock his Readers Digest’s and Outlook’s. The shelf consisted of the whole gamut of books, right from romantic fictions, detective novels, thought invoking fictions, cold blooded thrillers to philosophical non fictions, and biographies.

Near to the shelf there was a trundle table. He used to keep the latest copies of RD’s and other magazines on that. There was a pen holder also which boasted a collection of three or four pens. He used to keep his mobile in vibratory mode on that when he was engaged in reading. People used to wonder what he used to do with his mobile over there.

Daily mornings he visited this place religiously. He had himself convinced that without some time spent over there, there is no world outside exciting him. He realized long ago that a minimum of 10-15 minutes he need to be there; Long ago before when he started working, before he attended colleges or before he went to high schools. He never disclosed this dalliance, except that his family members knew that.

Sitting over here he had completed reading many Charles Dicken’s, R K Narayan’s, Ruskin Bond’s in those pre teen ages; Sidney Sheldon’s, M&B’s, Jeffery Archer’s in those Teenage ages; few autobiographies of some visionaries and God-knows-how-many magazines and newspapers. These four walls which covered him from the outer world seemed to give him a silent company. He at times used to whisper them the lines and dialogues of those dramas he used to read. No other person was allowed to intrude his space when he was inside. Be whatever urgency the other person got.

One thing he never forgot to do while leaving the room was to flush the excrement's he had relieved during the course of reading sitting on top of that plush Olive green European Closet.


RiverSoul said...

Now thats an interesting read.
I had my doubts abt which room it was, but couldn't confirm till the last paragraph.
Gr8 work.
Keep writing

Sameera Ansari said...

Lol!Potty reader eh :P

On seeing the pic,I first thought it was about reading in the bathtub.Is that guy you by any chance?He he.

Very well written!

Vinz said...


i was not sure whether i can hide that till the climax...u think i was able to do it..


Vinz said...


i searched a lot..but couldnt get with any pic with a guy on a closet..(few pathetic ones were there)...

oh no..i dont have a bath tub


Sameera Ansari said...

I know this pic is from a site,I meant the guy this piece is about :)

Unknown said...


Nice description!

Though not exactly in the toilet, I's love to have something like that over at my (future) house. :D

Vinz said...



oh yeah... not exactly got my shades..!!


Vinz said...


nice that u liked let me know when u will get such a thing over ur new place...


Dawn said...

Awesome I must say the write-up :)
True sometimes the bliss of peacefulness is found something which is inexpensive :)
Keep writing

Vinz said...


exactly quoted friend.


Anonymous said...

You made me present in bookroom though I havent read a book till date but yes you made my presence there.
Thanks a lot !

Vinz said...


thanx hobo...thats a great compliment for the post..


Phoenix said...


an awesome read here

Diana Sahu said...

nice write-up...was it in the bathroom..he found his bliss of peacefulness in?

Heart'n'Soul said...

reminds me of a frnd.... if he wud have his way, he wud actully live n do evrythn in a

But nicely done

And sam...potty reader???? LOL

Vinz said...


thnx.. :)

Vinz said...


yeah...and believe me, there are lots who find much peaceful over there..!!


Vinz said...

@yeah..there are lots of people who enjoy such moments..can u believe there are people who always carries mobiles/ipods over there...and i have heard some do take laptops too..!!


RiverSoul said...

Blog updated

peter said...

he is 'u' ...and he is peculiar ..but he gave a few gud mins of laugh !

Vinz said...


'he' is not completely 'me'..just some shades..!!

great to hear that the post evoked some laughter in you..!!


Beauty and the BEast said...

Its personal space.. everybody deserves their corner.. ahem even a smelly one :P

Anonymous said...

hey vinz...
thansk for visiting my blog(s)...
u write well too...

interesting read this one for sure...!! potty reader as sameera puts it!! :)

Vinz said...

@B n B

yeah...even a smelly one, lolz..!!

Vinz said...


thnx vinay

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

Ahh ... Now we know where "he" gets the inspiration to write such nice stuff ! And tell him that not many people do get to do this - dedicate time for things you love most!

Vinz said...

@iyer friend,

hehe..yeah..its true that many dont have that luck..but dont u think we have to pull out time for all these things..?


Ammu said...

hee hee....;))

i never knew u r sooo imaginative.....go on....!:P

Vinz said...



yeah, i am at times....!!